Póster enmarcado de madera de Lionel Messi 'Camino a la grandeza'
Póster enmarcado de madera de Lionel Messi 'Camino a la grandeza'
Nuestros carteles enmarcados en madera son una opción elegante y resistente, fabricados con papel mate clásico, ligero y sin revestimiento. Vienen en cuatro colores y vienen con herrajes para colgarlos fácilmente. Los marcos están hechos de pino y vienen en cuatro espesores y anchos. El póster es irrompible y viene con un acabado blanco. Los carteles cuentan con la certificación FSC y se envían en un embalaje resistente. El cartel presenta a Lionel Messi en acción, lo que ilustra la importancia de la dedicación y la perseverancia para el éxito. La cita: "Empiezo temprano y me quedo hasta tarde, día tras día, año tras año", sirve como recordatorio del viaje hacia el éxito.
Crédito de la foto: Por Xavier Rondón Medina - Final SuperCopa ESP 2011, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=111364590
Really good very pleased thank you
Definitely good value for money.
I wanted to find high quality posters that I could hang in my sons room, I noticed that the poster came with hanging hardware which would really help with this. The packaging seemed good with no damages and the shatterproof glass covering the print fit neatly inside the wooden frame, perfectly. Was very pleased with both the feel and look of it as well.
After hearing about Football Motive online I had to explore it further. For a business to produce such high quality posters at a relatively small price for its quality was a pleasant surprise. The print was very nice and the packaging was very satisfying. I received the product in only 4 days. It is currently in my son’s bedroom right now and I’m planning on buying more for some of his mates who all have birthdays coming up. I would highly recommend this product thank you very much.